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Multi-Agency Practitioner Event – “Lost in Plain Sight” - Register Interest

The Kent Safeguarding Children Multi-Agency Partnership is looking to invite selected child safeguarding practitioners and relevant agencies to a practice learning event based on a Kent case review.

The event will take place on Tuesday 8 February, 0930 – 1300

Via MS Teams.

The aim of the event is two-fold:

· To offer frontline practitioners the opportunity to collaborate in a multi-agency setting, sharing best practice, and leaving with new contacts and tangible resources to improve practice.

· To assist the Partnership in measuring the impact of changes to policy and practice following the serious incident subject of the review.

This event will be of particular benefit to those wishing to develop their practice in relation to working with young children who have complex developmental needs, understanding their lived experience, and identifying and reporting safeguarding concerns.

Themes include:

Child development, disability, multi-agency assessment and planning, gender bias, and engagement with parents.

Please indicate your interest by emailing Laura Wright -

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